David Rockefeller Jr. named YachtWorld Hero 2013

by | Feb 13, 2014 | News, YachtWorld

blog_david rockefellerFor the last decade, David Rockefeller Jr. has led the fledgling ocean-stewardship organization, Sailors for the Sea, to a position of increasing visibility and impact. In February, for his work, Rockefeller was honored as the 2013 YachtWorld Hero at the Miami International Boat Show during a press breakfast hosted by the NMMA.

If you missed that event, watch this short interview with the 2013 YachtWorld Hero, filmed shortly before the award was announced in February.

At Boats Group, we congratulate David and hope that this honor will inspire further support for Sailors for the Sea and for our shared marine environment generally. To learn why YachtWorld’s panel of judges made the selection they did, read “A Man for All Seas: David Rockefeller, Jr. is the YachtWorld Hero for 2013

To read about the other outstanding finalists, visit the YachtWorld Heroes website