Positive Performance for the Spanish Boat Sales Market in 2016

by | Oct 13, 2016 | Boats Group, News

Spanish Market Report 2016 - presented by Boats Group

Spanish Market Report 2016 – presented by Boats Group

October 5, 2016: New boat sales data for the Spanish market, released in a new report by CosasDeBarcos, YachtWorld and boats.com, reveals an increase in the value of boat sales in 2016. Using data aggregated from across these three Boats Group’s (Boats Group) websites, the report provides a comprehensive review that presents an overall positive picture for the Spanish market.

Compared to 2015, the total value of all boats sold increased in August by 8% to €146 million, with the average price paid per boat rising 14% to €253,856. However, the number of boats sold has declined, mainly due to a reduction in the number of power boat sales, with purchases of sailing boats remaining comparatively stable. Conversely, Spain continues to be a market where power boats account for most of the boats for sale, with 71% of all listings versus 29% for sail boats.

Maria José Lemos Pare, editor of es.boats.com, YachtWorld.es and CosasDeBarcos, said: “If we look at the type of boats sold on the brokerage market in 2016, we see that there’s been a decrease in the number of boats sold compared to 2015, with power boats down 6% and sail boats down by 3%. However, things look much brighter when we look at the value of boats sold and especially at the average boat price.”

The gains in sales volumes was seen among the large-yacht sector, with the most dramatic among yachts 56 to 79 feet, which reported a 90% rise and nearly double the value at €52 million. The average number of days a boat was listed for sale also shrank by seven days between 2015 (396 days) and 2016 (389 days).

With 28% of all new boats sold purchased for charter, the report signifies a change in the consumer market which could be attributable to a reduction in holiday and free time available for leisure pursuits.

The top three most commonly searched brands across CosasDeBarcos and YachtWorld were the largest European production boatyards, Beneteau, Jeanneau and Bavaria. However, two Spanish brands, Puma and Rodman, climbed the top 10 rankings to 4th and 7th place respectively.

On YachtWorld.com, the brokerage-specific site, Sunseeker topped the table, along with other renowned yacht brands including Princess, Azimut, Bertram, Astondoa and Riva.

Nicholas Alfin, General Manager of CosasDeBarcos, commented: “There’s no question that the sentiment in the market has changed over the last few years and that it’s much more positive right now. The sector has definitely recovered along with demand.”

Download the full Spanish Market Report 2016, Spanish Market Report 2016_EN  here.